Overview: Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Post-doc in France
General Program name Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale Post-doc in France
Funds for Postdoctoral fellowships
Funding agency Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM)
Scope International
Fields of science None
Duration 1 or 2 years
Program web site http://www.frm.org/upload/pdf/aides_scientif/frm_per2015.pdf
Number of calls per year 1
Eligibility EU-Life institution Curie
Applicant's Level of Experience (years after PhD) PhD degree
Applicant's Nationality Any
Other Important Requirements Having its PhD less than 12 months before the deadline It is mandatory that the canditate changes of lab and project research between his PhD and his Post-doc
Funding type & amounts Fellowship (net salary, exempt of national taxes) N/A
Working contract (gross salary) 50 004 €/ year
Other allowances N/A
Next deadline June 22, 2015, midnight
Past submissions outcomes
Year Available fellowships Success rates